Golf Competitions, Golf Events & Social Golf Games

Here's the list of Posted Golf Games. Join a game to meet new golfers. Not one there exactly when & where you want to play? Post your own game and allow others to join you. If you are more flexible about when & where you can play, choose 'AN Other Golf Club' as your course selection and start the ball rolling...
Show Games within   of    Weekday/Weekend?  
Game Type:  All |  Friends Only |  Group Members Only |  Open Invite |  Golf Event
DateGame DetailsCostOrganiserAccessPlacesHandicap
David Long...
David Longhurst profile picture
Handicap: 19
Pro Member
Open Invite 2 < 36
Dave Gray
Dave Gray profile picture
Handicap: 26
Pro Member
Open Invite 0 < 36
TBC (Circa £50)
TheSocialGolfer profile picture
Handicap: 36
Pro Member
Open Invite 9 < 36
TheSocialGolfer profile picture
Handicap: 36
Pro Member
Open Invite 18 < 36
Friends Only @ Belton Woods Ryder Cup Belton WoodsGrantham, Lincolnshire
Awaiting Tee Times
Price £315 sharing Price £ 435 single room - as per terms and conditions of the golf and hotel booking,.
Gary ' Ga...
Gary  ' Gazza' Wilson  profile picture
Handicap: 21
Pro Member
Friends Only 0 < 36
TheSocialGolfer profile picture
Handicap: 36
Pro Member
Open Invite 36 < 36
"Marky" Ma...
"Marky" Mark Crane profile picture
Handicap: 19
Pro Member
Golf Event 17 < 36
TheSocialGolfer profile picture
Handicap: 36
Pro Member
Open Invite 24 < 36

Can't find a game in your area? Why not post one yourself to see who's interested?

Welcome to The Social Golfer Games Page Calendar…

This is, without doubt, one of the most used parts of the website and this is where you can view and partake in Golf Events or Golf Competitions in your area and further afield. This is the main focus of the website and a place where you can find all our events listed by your fellow TSGers and the TSG Team during the year and even up to 12 months in advance of the current date.

When you first join the site, it may be useful to join a few games in your area posted by other members. Once you have got to know a few local golfers, there is much more likely that when you come to post your own game, those that already have played with you will join your event.

Having decided where you want to play your next Golf Event or Golf Competition (See above 'Post a Game' Button), this is where you can select your dates, times, preferred format etc. When posting a new game on the TSG Game Page, there are a number of different options to choose from....

OPEN INVITE - Any TSG PRO member can join the game.

An Open Golf Event is one whereby any member of The Social Golfer can join. Open Golf Competitions will also be listed on the above Golf Game Calendar for all to view.

FRIENDS ONLY - Game organised by a TSG member.

Here, only people on a members Friends List (or in the Group/Society they run) are allowed to participate. A Friends Only game is highly lightly to also be an Open Golf Event or Open Golf Competitions, only you may need to contact the organiser or join the golf group or golf society they run, before being able to join their golf day.

GOLF EVENT - Formal Open Golf Events and Open Golf Competitions.

These games are being promoted to TSG members but is hosted and organised by a third party e.g. a charity golf day or golf club open competition or the TSG Team. If you are looking to join already listed Open Golf Events or Open Golf Competitions you can self-select your game criteria by using the filtering buttons above including location and distance from your home and/or select the day(s) you would like to play.

Putting Game Screen Shot